Peter: Alright, so Philippians 2 is all about putting others before yourself.
Lois: Just like how the Golden Girls always put each other's interests before their own!
Stewie: Ah, those were the days. Now all we have is Rick and Morty, and you know what they say: Wubba Lubba Dub-Dub!
Brian: Yeah, yeah, yeah, let's stay on topic. So Paul is basically saying that Jesus set the example of humility by humbling himself to the point of death on the cross.
Peter: Yeah, and he says we should imitate Jesus and have the same mindset.
Lois: Ah, just like how the cast of Friends always put each other first, even when it was hard.
Stewie: Actually, the show Friends was a complete sham. I much prefer the antics of Seinfeld.
Brian: Yeah, alright, let's keep it on topic. So then Paul says that God will exalt us if we do, and that's what Jesus's humble obedience lead to.
Peter: Just like how the cast of the Big Bang Theory had to work hard before they got all their accolades.
Lois: That's right! So the main point of Philippians 2 is to put others before ourselves, just like Jesus did.
Stewie: Yes, and if we do, we can expect good things to come our way, just like how the cast of The Office persevered despite all the ridiculousness.