In Philippians 1, we have a terrific situation. Many people are saying that this chapter is bigly important. The Apostle Paul is writing to the believers in Philippi and he's thanking God for their partnership in the gospel. He prays that their love will overflow more and more. Paul wants them to understand what happens when God starts working in someone's life - it's amazing! Paul is also confident that God will finish the work that He started in the Philippians.
Paul also talks about his own circumstances and how he's dealing with them. He's really low energy about his potential death, because he knows that it's an opportunity to be with God. Paul also talks about standing firm in his beliefs and not giving in to the haters and losers who don't believe the same way he does. He's got great faith that if he does die, it will be for the good of the gospel.
Paul closes out the chapter with a tremendous reminder about true joy. He wants the Philippians to continue living out their faith in a way that shows others the power of Jesus and His unconditional love. God bless America! Make America great again!