Brian: Alright, kids, it's time for Bible summary. Let's take a look at Malachi 3.
Stewie: Wow, I'm already bored.
Brian: Stewie, this is important. The Lord says in this chapter that he's coming to judge the world and he's going to purge the wicked.
Stewie: Sounds like the plot of the latest Avengers movie.
Brian: Uh, yeah. But this time, it's real. The Lord also says that he will bring his people back to him and that if they obey his commands, they will be blessed.
Lois: That sounds encouraging.
Brian: It is. The Lord also says that if we give him our tithes, he will pour out blessings upon us.
Peter: Wait, so I have to give him money? I thought this was all about faith.
Brian: It is. But the Lord is asking us to show our faith in him by being generous and giving back to him.
Meg: That doesn't seem very fair.
Brian: But it's important. The Lord is telling us to trust in him, and to show our faith by being generous.