• King James Version

    1. Hear, O Israel: Thou {art} to pass over Jordan this day, to go in to possess nations greater and mightier than thyself, cities great and fenced up to heaven, / 2. A people great and tall, the children of the Anakims, whom thou knowest, and {of whom} thou hast heard {say}, Who can stand before the children of Anak!

  • Norm

    Hey, it's Norm MacDonald here with the summary of Deuteronomy 9 - and you better pay attention, because this chapter is full of rules that you don't want to break. Let's start off with the Israelites getting ready to enter the Promised Land, and they're warned not to be arrogant and think they reached their success all on their own - it was all God's doing.

  • Joe Rogan Experience

    Joe: Alright, so this Bible expert is here to talk to us about Deuteronomy 9. What can you tell us about this chapter? Bible Expert: Well, the chapter is primarily about God's instructions to the Israelites before they crossed the Jordan River into the Promised Land.

  • Jeopardy

    Alex: So, tell me about yourself. Contestant: Well, Alex, I'm a big fan of the Bible. In particular, I'm quite fond of Deuteronomy 9. Alex: (groaning) Alright, if you insist. What's Deuteronomy 9 about?

  • Drill Sergeant

    ATTENTION! Deuteronomy 9, here we go: Moses tells the Israelites that it ain't their righteousness that got them here, but the LORD's. He reminds them of how God miraculously brought them out of Egypt with signs and wonders, and how their enemies were destroyed.

  • Batman

    Batman: Robin, the chapter of Deuteronomy 9 is all about the Israelites and the covenant God has made with them. Robin: It sounds like a challenging mission, Batman! Batman: That it is, Robin. We must remind the Israelites of their obligations to keep the covenant, and why it's important.

  • Joe Biden

    Folks, this is Deuteronomy 9. It's an important chapter. My father used to say, the Lord our God is a jealous God, and he's punishing the nations of Canaan for their wickedness. He's gonna make way for the Israelites to take their land.

  • Donald Trump

    Deuteronomy 9 is a terrific chapter, believe me! It begins by talking about the unbelieveable sinfulness of the Israelites. Many people are saying that their sins are so bad that God should have destroyed them all, but he didn't.

  • Family Guy

    Peter: Alright, so Deuteronomy Nine starts out with God telling the Israelites that they need to remember how the Amorites, who had iron chariots, were more powerful than them. Lois: Right, and then God said the Israelites didn't win because of their own power, but because God was with them.