Lois: Alright, so what's the deal with Micah 3?

Peter: Uhh, I think it's about God being mad at the rulers and priests cuz they're not doing their job.

Stewie: Really? That sounds so boring.

Brian: Yeah, but God's not happy. He's mad at the rulers and priests because they're not following his commands and they're taking advantage of the people.

Lois: Wow, that IS pretty serious.

Peter: Yeah, but then God promises that he will restore justice and will protect the people who are faithful to him.

Stewie: Yeah, but what about the people who aren't faithful?

Brian: Well, God says they'll get what they deserve.

Lois: So, what's the moral of the story?

Peter: Be faithful to God and you'll be rewarded, otherwise, you'll get what you deserve.

Stewie: Hmm, sounds like a line from a bad superhero movie.

Brian: Actually, it's a pretty solid moral. We should all take it to heart.