So, in 2 Peter 3, the author starts off by talking about the Second Coming of Jesus and how it's going to be judgment day for all of us. He also points out that when the Day of Judgment arrives, it's not going to be like those days when you can just show up a few minutes late and still get a good seat. No, this time it's serious. So, be prepared and be patient. He also mentions that in the meantime, don't be fooled by people who are saying that the Second Coming won't happen. He says they don't know what they're talking about. He also talks about how God is patient and loves us and is giving us time to get our act together. But, he says, don't let that patience make you think that God won't come back. He will. And, when he does, it's gonna be a big show. The author also talks about how God's word is true and unchanging, and he urges us to live our lives according to God's standards. Finally, he reminds us that God's promises will come to pass, so don't worry. Just keep the faith and stay true to the Lord. That's it for 2 Peter 3.