King James Version
1. This second epistle, beloved, I now write unto you; in {both} which I stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance: / 2. That ye may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the commandment of us the apostles of the Lord and Saviour: →
So, in 2 Peter 3, the author starts off by talking about the Second Coming of Jesus and how it's going to be judgment day for all of us. He also points out that when the Day of Judgment arrives, it's not going to be like those days when you can just show up a few minutes late and still get a good seat. →
Joe Rogan Experience
Joe: Alright, so Peter 3, what's that about? Bible Expert: This chapter starts off by reminding us of the promise of Jesus' return that was made in the prophets' writings of the Old Testament. Joe: Wow, so Jesus is coming back, huh? →
Alex Trebek: Alright, so tell me a little bit about yourself! Contestant: Well, I'm a Bible scholar, so let me start by summarizing the book of 2 Peter 3. Alex Trebek: *Sighs* Okay, go ahead. Contestant: 2 Peter 3 talks about the fact that the Day of the Lord is coming. →
Drill Sergeant
Attention, recruits! Listen up and listen good! Chapter 3 of 2 Peter is all about God's patience. He's not gonna rush into judgement right away. He's gonna wait. He wants all the unbelievers to have a chance to repent and turn back to Him. →
Batman: Robin, I'm afraid we're facing a true test of our crime-fighting skills. Robin: What is it this time, Batman? Batman: 2 Peter 3. Catwoman: What's so tough about that? Batman: Well, Catwoman, it's all about the second coming of Jesus. →
Joe Biden
Folks, here's the deal. My father used to say, "Listen, Jack, God doesn't need to take his time for us. That's no malarkey! See here, Jack, he is always aware of what's going on and will come back to us when the time is right. →
Donald Trump
2 Peter 3 is huge! It's all about how God will bring a new world, and it's unbelievable! Peter talks about how God is patient, giving people time to turn to Him, and how Judgment Day will come. He warns people against ignoring God's warnings and making light of His coming. →
Family Guy
Peter: Alright, let's see here. Chapter 3 of 2 Peter. Uh, 2 Peter 3... Lois: Oh, like the Peter Frampton song? Peter: What? No, that's not the same thing. Lois: Oh, right. Carry on. Peter: Okay, so 2 Peter 3. →