Batman: Robin, I'm afraid we're facing a true test of our crime-fighting skills.

Robin: What is it this time, Batman?

Batman: 2 Peter 3.

Catwoman: What's so tough about that?

Batman: Well, Catwoman, it's all about the second coming of Jesus. It discusses how God is patient, but eventually judgement will come.

Robin: So we just need to be prepared for it?

Batman: Yes, Robin. We must be patient and live holy lives so that we may be found worthy on the day of judgement.

Riddler: Interesting. So, what else does it say?

Batman: It also talks about how the day of judgement will come suddenly, like a thief in the night. We must be ready for it at all times, and not be caught off-guard.

Catwoman: So, we should always be on the lookout for the coming of Jesus?

Batman: Precisely, Catwoman. We must be vigilant and ready for the day of judgement.