Peter: Alright, so this is Galatians 4. It starts off with Paul talking about how, in the past, people were slaves to the law like servants, but now we get to be adopted children of God through faith in Jesus.
Lois: Wait, so like, people used to be enslaved to the Law and now they're enslaved to Jesus?
Brian: No, Lois, it's not like that. Paul's saying that now people can have a relationship with God that's like a child of a parent, not like a servant.
Stewie: Yeah, and then Paul talks about how, before Jesus, we were slaves to the cosmic powers, like Darth Vader and the Emperor in Star Wars.
Peter: Right, and then Paul goes on to talk about how God sent Jesus to free us, and how now we are no longer under the law, but under grace.
Lois: So basically, before Jesus, we were all like characters in Lord of the Rings, just trying to survive in this world, and now Jesus has come to save us and take us to the Shire?
Brian: Not quite, Lois. We're still in the world, but now we have the freedom to choose to follow God and be saved.
Peter: Exactly. And then Paul wraps up the chapter talking about how we should not be foolish and turn back to the law, but rather continue in the grace of God.
Stewie: Yeah, so we don't wanna be like the Orcs, just blindly following the law without understanding it. We need to understand what God is doing for us and follow His grace.