Well, folks, it looks like the prophet Zechariah is back with another chapter of his work! In Chapter 2, he's got a vision of a man with a measuring line in his hand. And then, out of nowhere, four chariots come out of heaven, pulled by horses of different colors. Huh. Moving on, Zechariah sees an angel warning Jerusalem not to be afraid and that the city would be restored to its former glory. Oh, and the angel says something about the Lord's name being great in her midst. So, if you're in Jerusalem, maybe don't forget to say the Lord's name if you're ever in trouble. Anyway, the Lord promises to be a wall of fire around Jerusalem and a glory in her midst, which we guess is a good thing. Then, the Lord sends out a call for the nations to come to worship Him in Jerusalem. Wow. Sounds like a party. And that's it for Zechariah 2, folks!