Attention! Listen up, newbies! Isaiah 34 is about God's vengeance on the nations and His judgment on Edom. God is gonna rain down fire, sulfur, and smoke on the nations. He's gonna lay waste to the land and all its people. All the land will burn and be destroyed. All the birds of the air and all the beasts of the earth will be gone. There won't be no sign of habitation. The land will be like a desolate wasteland forever! He's gonna execute His judgment on Edom, which is represented by the evil nations of the world. He's gonna make it a desolate wasteland, with salt pits and burning sulfur. He's gonna destroy all the trees and everything that grows in the land. No one is gonna escape His wrath! So, listen up, newbies, and remember: God is all-powerful, and He's gonna execute His judgment on the evil nations!