ATTENTION RECRUITS! LISTEN UP! Exodus 24 is about the covenant God made with the Israelites. Moses and 70 elders of the Israelites go up the mountain and meet with God. God tells them all the laws they have to follow and they agree. Moses then writes down all the laws and shows them to the people. God then tells Moses to build an altar and sacrifice animals as a sign of the covenant between them. Moses then sprinkles the blood of the sacrificed animals on the people, to show that they are part of the covenant. God then tells Moses to come back up the mountain, and Moses takes Joshua with him. They stay up the mountain for 40 days and nights, during which time God gives Moses the Ten Commandments. They come back down the mountain with the Commandments and Moses reads them to the people. The people agree to obey them, and so the covenant is sealed. That's it for Exodus 24, RECRUITS!