Robin: Holy Bible, Batman! What's happening in Song of Solomon 5?
Batman: Robin, the lover in the song is speaking to his beloved, exhorting her to open the door of her heart and let him in.
Catwoman: Oh, how romantic!
Batman: Yes, Catwoman, though the beloved does not answer, and the lover is left standing outside the door, hurt and sorrowful. He calls for his beloved one last time, but still gets no response.
Joker: Bah! What a bore.
Robin: But then, Batman, what happens?
Batman: Then, the beloved finally comes to her senses and lets the lover in, and they share a passionate embrace.
Joker: Oh, now we're talking!
Batman: Indeed, Joker. The beloved warns the lover not to awaken her love until she is ready.
Catwoman: What a lovely sentiment!
Batman: Yes, Catwoman, it certainly is. The song ends with the beloved telling the lover to come away with her and be her love.
Robin: Wow, Batman. It sounds like a beautiful love story!
Batman: Indeed it is, Robin. And we can learn from it that true love never fails.