Joe: Alright, so we have our Bible expert here. Let's dive into Song of Solomon 5.
Bible Expert: Yes, so in Song of Solomon 5 we have the main character, the Shulamite woman, expressing her love and admiration for her lover. She is saying that his love is like a strong wine, intoxicating and sweet.
Joe: Intoxicating love!
Bible Expert: Yes, and it's a metaphor used throughout the chapter to describe the strong emotion she feels for her beloved.
Joe: Alright, I'm intrigued. What else is going on in the chapter?
Bible Expert: Well, she also talks about how her beloved is like a bundle of myrrh, a fragrant oil used in ancient times. She is saying that his presence is soothing and calming, like the pleasant smell of myrrh.
Joe: Hold up, Jamie. Google "myrrh".
Jamie: Alright, Joe. Here we go. Myrrh is a fragrant oil extracted from the dried gum of a certain tree. It was used in ancient times for religious ceremonies and medicinal purposes.
Joe: Wow, that's fascinating! So, what else is going on in the chapter?
Bible Expert: Well, she then goes on to talk about how her beloved is like a bundle of henna plants, which were used in ancient times to make a red dye. She is saying that his love is like a deep red color, intense and passionate.
Joe: Wow, that's beautiful. So what does the chapter end with?
Bible Expert: It ends with the Shulamite expressing her admiration for her beloved, saying that he is like an apple tree among the other trees of the forest. She is saying that he stands out among all the others, that he is special and unique.