Batman: Robin, let's review Chapter 2 of the Song of Solomon, shall we?

Robin: Yes, Batman!

Batman: The narrator speaks to the beloved, telling him that he is like a lily among thorns. The beloved is also like an apple tree among other trees of the wood.

Catwoman: How romantic!

Batman: Indeed! The beloved is seated beneath the apple tree, and the narrator wishes to be with him. He says his beloved's eyes are like doves.

Robin: Wow!

Batman: The narrator also says his beloved's cheeks are like a bed of spices, and his lips are like lilies dripping with liquid myrrh.

Riddler: Does this book ever get any more, er, specific?

Batman: It does, Riddler. The narrator then says his beloved is like a sweet-smelling cedar, and he wishes to be with him in the clefts of the rock and the mountains of Bether.

Robin: How romantic!

Batman: Yes, Robin! The chapter ends with the narrator inviting the beloved to come with him to the fields, the village, and the vineyards. Catwoman: Ah, young love!