Batman: Robin, what is this Song of Solomon 3 about?

Robin: It's about a young woman who is in search of her beloved.

Batman: You don't mean to tell me that Catwoman is out looking for Joker again?

Robin: No, Batman. This is a different story. This young woman is looking for her true love.

Penguin: Ah, a love story! Is there any chance that I can be involved?

Batman: No.

Penguin: Oh well. It was worth a try.

Robin: The young woman searches through the streets of Jerusalem at night, looking for her beloved. She eventually finds him, and they embrace in a passionate embrace.

Catwoman: Sounds like true love to me!

Batman: Yes, but make sure you never forget who your true love is, Catwoman!

Catwoman: Of course not, Batman. I'm all yours.