Batman: Robin, let's review the events of Ezra 2.

Robin: Right away, Batman! After their return from the Babylonian Exile, the people of Israel had to register their families and tribes in order to get settled in the land.

Batman: The number of people who returned was remarkable.

Robin: That's right, Batman! A total of 42,360 people registered for the journey.

Catwoman: What an impressive number!

Batman: Indeed. They also brought along 7,337 slaves, 736 horses, 245 mules, 435 camels, and 6,720 donkeys.

Robin: Wow, they had quite a caravan!

Batman: Yes, and they also brought offerings to the Temple of the Lord. That's how they were able to rebuild it.

Robin: That's amazing, Batman. It's good to see the people of Israel showing their dedication and loyalty to the Lord.

Batman: Agreed, Robin. We should all strive to show the same level of devotion.