Robin: What do we have in store for us today, Batman?
Batman: We are going to Ezra 8, my young ward. In this chapter, we see the priest Ezra leading a caravan of Jews from Babylon back to Jerusalem.
Robin: Wow, what an important mission! What did they do when they got there?
Batman: When they arrived in Jerusalem, Ezra read the Law of God to the people, and all of them agreed to keep the Law and serve God faithfully.
Catwoman: What a bore! What else happened?
Batman: Well, Catwoman, Ezra then organized the people into groups, each with its own leader. He then gave them a list of who was to travel with him, including Levites and singers to worship God.
Robin: That sounds like a worthy mission, Batman!
Batman: Indeed, Robin. Ezra also brought a large offering of silver and gold to the temple, and all the people rejoiced, praising God for His goodness and mercy.