Batman: Robin, it looks like our old nemesis, Jonah, is up to his old tricks again!
Robin: He sure is, Batman! This time he's trying to get the people of Nineveh to repent of their sins.
Batman: That's right, Robin. He went through the city, proclaiming his message and the people responded!
Joker: Ha ha ha! So what happened next, chums?
Batman: Well, Joker, the people of Nineveh believed Jonah's message and they repented!
Robin: Wow, Batman, that's amazing!
Catwoman: Yes, it is impressive. But I'm sure the people of Nineveh had to have done something else in order to get God to forgive them, right?
Batman: You're right, Catwoman. They also fasted and put on sackcloth and ashes to show their sorrow for their sins.
Joker: So did God forgive them in the end?
Batman: He sure did, Joker! He saw their repentance and had mercy on them!