Robin: Holy bad news, Batman! It looks like chapter 3 of 1 Peter contains some serious warnings.

Batman: We'd better pay attention, Robin. What does the chapter say?

The Riddler: It says wives should submit to their husbands and husbands should treat their wives with respect.

Batman: Thank you, Riddler. Anything else?

Robin: Yea, and it says we should all have a good attitude, be holy, and be willing to suffer for doing what is right.

Catwoman: But it also says we should always be ready to explain why we believe what we believe, in case someone asks us.

Batman: That's right, Catwoman. We must always be prepared to stand up for our beliefs.

The Joker: Oh, and it also says we should be kind and compassionate to everyone, even our enemies.

Batman: That's the kind of advice we need to follow if we want to be true heroes.