Robin: Holy Scripture, Batman! 1 Peter 4 says that believers should not be surprised when they suffer for their faith.
Batman: Yes, Robin. It is only natural for those who follow the path of righteousness to encounter resistance from those who do not.
Joker: Hehehe! That's true, Batman. The wicked will always be out to get the good people!
Batman: Indeed, Joker. The verse also encourages us to arm ourselves with the same attitude that Jesus Christ had when He suffered for us--showing fortitude and patience in the face of adversity.
Robin: Wow! What a great example for us to follow!
Catwoman: And it doesn't stop there--1 Peter 4 also says that believers should use their gifts to serve one another. We should be willing to put others before ourselves and use our talents to help the people around us.
Joker: That's a tall order! Hehehe!
Batman: Not insurmountable, Joker. Through faith and trust in God, we can all make a difference in the world.