See here, Jack, what was that? My father used to say, c'mon, man, you can't keep spinning your wheels forever. Well, I tell you what, the same applies for 1 Peter 4! Folks, here's the deal: Peter is literally telling us to live our lives in accordance to the will of God, no malarkey! He's saying that we must be self-controlled and sober-minded, and to live this way in love, so that we may serve each other. Or uh, you know, to use our spiritual gifts to build up the church. I'm not joking, Jack, Peter also stresses that we should be hospitable to each other and open to sharing the gospel. So, excuse me, if we do this, we will be glorifying God, and that's not gonna happen if we don't. But, literally, if we do, we will be rewarded. That's the long and short of it, Jack!