Folks, here's the deal: 1 Peter is all about having faith when times get tough. Now, as my father used to say, "When the going gets tough, the tough get going!" But it's not just about going, it's about trusting in God and being obedient. See here, Jack, it talks about how our faith will allow us to stand strong when we're tested. Then it talks about how God is the one who chose us, not the other way around. And then, no malarkey, it talks about how we should be holy because God is holy. Or, uh, you know, it talks about how we should be grateful and thankful to God no matter what's going on in our life. I tell you what, it also talks about how we should be careful not to let our minds and hearts wander away from God. Literally, 1 Peter is all about showing our faith and loyalty to God, no matter what. C'mon, man! That's what it's all about.