Batman: Here we are, Robin, in Habakkuk 2. What do you make of it?

Robin: Well, Batman, it looks like it's all about the Lord's judgment on the wicked.

Catwoman: Oh, that sounds like fun!

Batman: Not for the wicked, Catwoman. The Lord will judge them with justice and they will not escape.

Joker: What do you mean, Batman?

Batman: I mean, Joker, that the Lord will not let the wicked go unpunished and their punishment will be just and fair.

Riddler: Interesting. And what else does it say?

Robin: It says that the Lord will judge the wicked not only for their sins, but also for their pride and arrogance.

Penguin: That doesn't seem fair!

Batman: Fair or not, it is the Lord's will and it must be done.