Listen, Jack, here's the deal. Habakkuk is literally going to get an answer from the Lord, and it ain't gonna be pretty. The Lord says, 'See here, Jack, the wicked will not get away with their crimes. They will not be able to build their houses on a foundation of injustice and evil. C'mon, man, the Lord will not allow it.' My father used to say, 'What goes around comes around,' and that's what's gonna happen. The Lord will literally take away the wicked's stolen goods, and they will pay for their evil deeds. So, folks, don't be fooled by the wicked. It might look like they are getting away with it, but it's not gonna happen. The Lord will not let them get away with it. I'm not joking! So, when you see the wicked prospering, just remember, their days are numbered. What was that? The Lord will judge them and take away their ill-gotten gains. Excuse me, no malarkey! The Lord will take away everything they've worked for. That's the truth.