Listen, Jack, I tell you what, here's the deal. Habakkuk is one of those books in the Bible that, literally, my father used to say was written centuries ago. It's about God's message to the people of Judah. See here, Jack, God told Habakkuk that he was going to bring the Babylonians and their evil ways to punish the people of Judah for their wickedness. He said it would be swift and powerful, and that the wickedness of the Babylonians would be even worse than that of the people of Judah. C'mon, man, God said he would use the Babylonians as an instrument of punishment, and that he would not show mercy. He said that the people of Judah had to accept their punishment and repent, or else there was no hope for them. Folks, I'm not joking. He said that it would be so bad that it would be like the sea roaring and foaming and the land being destroyed by fire. Not gonna happen, not today, not ever. What was that? Excuse me, God said the wickedness of the Babylonians would not be stopped until justice was done. Or uh, you know, until they had to answer for their deeds. That's what Habakkuk 1 is all about: No malarkey!