Habakkuk 1 - Wow, what an unbelievable chapter. It's so terrific! Many people are saying that the prophet Habakkuk is one of the most highly overrated prophets in the Bible. He's been so low energy. But, he's written some things that are really great again. In this chapter, he's talking about how he's seen so many sad! cases of people doing terrible things to each other. Bigly, God says that He's going to punish these haters and losers. He's going to bring justice and make things great again. And many people are saying that this justice will come through the Babylonians. Believe me, these guys are no fine people. But God will use them to punish those who deserve it. It's a tremendous plan! So huge. God bless America! And God will bring peace and justice back to the land. Make America great again!