Batman: Robin, the Bible has some important instructions for us in Chapter 5 of Ephesians.

Robin: What kind of instructions, Batman?

Batman: Well, it says to be careful how we live our lives. We must be wise, not foolish, and make sure our behavior is appropriate.

Joker: Ha ha ha! What kind of boring advice is that?

Batman: Not so fast, Joker! The Bible also says to not be drunk or be filled with wine, and to instead be filled with the Spirit.

Catwoman: Oh, what fun is that?

Batman: Plenty of fun, Catwoman! Being filled with the Spirit means being filled with joy and peace and singing and making music in our hearts to the Lord.

Riddler: Interesting! Does it say anything else?

Batman: Yes, it says to be thankful for everything God has given us. We should also submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.

Penguin: Sounds like a lot of work.

Batman: It certainly can be, Penguin. But the Bible says that it's worth it, because it will bring glory to God.