Listen up, recruits! You better pay attention and get this straight! This is the book of Hebrews and we're talking about Chapter 5.
So here's the skinny: Jesus is a high priest. He's different from the other priests cause he's from the order of Melchizedek. He's an eternal priest and can save people from their sins. He was a perfect sacrifice and he was tested through suffering.
Now pay attention! Because here's the big point: Jesus is qualified to help those who are tempted, because he suffered too. He understands us, and he can help us. That's why you need to look to him when you're in pain or scared. He can help you through it.
Now get this straight: Jesus obeyed God, even when it was hard. He was obedient, even unto death. He's our example -- so don't forget it!
That's it for Hebrews 5. Now move out!