Folks, here's the deal: Hebrews 5 talks about how Jesus is both a human and a divine being. He's able to reach out to us and sympathize with us on a human level, 'cause he's been through the same struggles we all go through. He's also divine, so he can offer us the power to rise above our struggles and be made perfect. Literally, it's a win-win situation. Or uh, you know, you could say it's a win-win-win situation. C'mon, man! My father used to say, "If Jesus is there, you don't have to worry." I'm not joking. He's there, so you don't have to worry. See here, Jack, Jesus is a one-stop shop for all your needs. What was that? You don't have to go to the store? Not gonna happen. I tell you what, Jesus is the store. Excuse me, you don't have to look anywhere else. He'll provide everything you need. No malarkey!