Listen, Jack, here's the deal: Hebrews 13 is all about staying true to the Lord and having faith in Him. It's like my father used to say, "C'mon, man! Don't forget what the Lord has done for us in the past. Literally, He has given us everything we need." We need to remember to show hospitality to strangers, for in doing so, we may be entertaining angels without even knowing it. Not gonna happen if we don't do our part. We also need to remember to be content with what we have. No malarkey! And don't forget to love each other, be obedient to our leaders, and offer sacrifices of praise to God. See here, Jack, those are the three main things we need to do if we want to honor the Lord. What was that? Oh, and of course, don't forget to do good and share with others. I'm not joking, folks! I tell you what, if you follow these steps, you won't be sorry. Excuse me, but that's the truth.