C'mon, man, listen, Jack. Folks, what I'm telling you is, Hebrews 12 is all about discipline. And I'm not joking, no malarkey. Here's the deal: God disciplines us, like my father used to say, to help us grow and learn. Literally, it's like getting a spanking when you're a kid, or uh, you know, a time-out. Not gonna happen if you're not doing something wrong, I tell you what. And so the book of Hebrews is all about how discipline is good. Excuse me, but it also talks about how to respond to it. See here, Jack, it talks about how to make sure you don't give up and how to keep going. What was that? Keep your eyes on Jesus and don't get distracted by the stuff around you, my father used to say. And that's why this chapter is so important. Literally, it's like the Bible is saying, don't worry, it's all gonna be okay. I'm not joking. See here, Jack, it's like it's saying, don't forget, God loves ya. That's why the Bible says, keep going, and don't give up. Here's the deal, folks: that's what Hebrews 12 is all about. Not gonna happen any other way.