Joe: Alright, so what can you tell me about Hebrews 5?

Bible Expert: Well, the chapter starts off talking about Jesus as the High Priest who is appointed by God to offer sacrifices for sin. It then goes on to talk about how Jesus is able to sympathize with our weaknesses because he was tested in every way just like us.

Joe: So Jesus was tempted in the same way we are?!

Bible Expert: Yes, exactly.

Joe: Wow. That's incredible.

Bible Expert: Yes, it certainly is. The chapter then goes on to talk about how Jesus was chosen by God to be the perfect high priest and how he is able to intercede on our behalf in heaven.

Joe: Wait, so he's like a lawyer for us in heaven?

Bible Expert: (Laughs) Well, in a sense yes. The chapter then talks about how Jesus was qualified to become our high priest by his obedience to God, even in death.

Joe: So he was obedient even in death?

Bible Expert: Yes, and this is why he is able to intercede on our behalf. The chapter then talks about how Jesus is a merciful and faithful high priest who is able to help us in our time of need.

Joe: That's incredible. So Jesus is our advocate in heaven?

Bible Expert: Yes, and he is able to help us when we are going through difficult times. The chapter ends by encouraging us to approach God with confidence in our prayers, knowing that he will hear us.