Joe: Alright! We've got our Bible expert back on the show and this time we're talking about Hebrews 10. Tell us about it!
Expert: Absolutely! Hebrews 10 is all about Jesus' sacrifice for us and how it enables us to have a relationship with God. The chapter starts by talking about how Jesus' sacrifice was better than the sacrifices of animals that people used to make in the old days.
Joe: Wait, wait, wait. Hold up. People were sacrificing animals?
Expert: Yes, that's right. In the Old Testament, people made animal sacrifices to show their dedication to and obedience of God.
Joe: Woah, that's wild. So, what does Jesus' sacrifice do that makes it better?
Expert: Well, Jesus' sacrifice is better because, unlike animal sacrifices, it was an offering that God accepted once and for all. Jesus' sacrifice was perfect and it was all that was needed to wipe away our sins and make us right with God.
Joe: Hold up, Jamie, Google that for me. [Pause for Jamie to google] Okay, so Jesus' sacrifice is perfect and it's all we need to make us right with God?
Expert: That's right. And the chapter goes on to talk about how, because of Jesus' sacrifice, we can now approach God with confidence and boldness. We don't need to be scared of him anymore because we can be sure that he accepts us because of Jesus.
Joe: That's incredible! Anything else we should know?
Expert: Yes, the chapter also talks about how we should be encouraging one another in our faith and keeping up our hope in Jesus. We don't have to let our faith become stagnant or stagnant because, as long as we keep our hope in Jesus and keep encouraging each other, we can remain sure of our salvation.