C'mon, man! Let's talk about Zephaniah 2. Listen, Jack, here's the deal. Folks, this is a chapter about the judgement of God. He's gonna take care of business, no malarkey. He's gonna judge the Philistines, the Moabites, and the Ammonites, literally. He's gonna bring down the pride of the Assyrians and Ninevah, the city of blood. I'm not joking. My father used to say, "Say what you will about God, but He means business." See here, Jack, He's gonna judge Ethiopia and Egypt, and the whole world. What was that? He's gonna judge the whole world! Or uh, you know, maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration. Not gonna happen. I tell you what, God is a just God and He's gonna bring judgement upon those who have done wrong. Excuse me. That's what He says in Zephaniah 2.