Folks, here's the deal: I'm not joking when I say that Zephaniah 1 is a real doozy. See here, Jack, this chapter is literally all about God's judgment. My father used to say, "God will not leave the wicked unpunished." C'mon, man! He was right. God is going to punish the wicked and the sinners. He's gonna bring down fire and brimstone on their heads, and believe me, it ain't gonna be pretty. I tell you what, he's gonna burn up their silver and gold, and even the idols they worship. Excuse me, that's a big no-no. And not only that, he's gonna get rid of the wicked people who oppress the poor and the vulnerable. What was that? No malarkey! That's not gonna happen in his kingdom. Listen, Jack, God's wrath is gonna come down on the whole earth - literally - and it's gonna be a destructive force. Not to mention, God's gonna destroy all the false prophets who have been misleading the people. So, uh, you know, pay attention to this chapter and take it to heart. It's serious stuff!