Zephaniah 2 is a bigly chapter full of warnings for many nations. It starts off with a warning for Moab and Ammon, two nations who have been very overrated. God is sending judgement on them for their many sins and for worshipping other gods. He puts them on notice that their cities and land will be destroyed, in spite of their attempts to hide. God also warns other nations, like Philistia and Cush, to prepare for his judgement. He warns that their strongholds will be destroyed and their land will become desolate.
God then turns his attention to Nineveh, a city of great sin and wickedness. He says that he will destroy it and make it a haunt of jackals. He also warns of judgement for Assyria, which is a sad thing for their people. He warns that their arrogance and pride will be humbled and their land will be laid waste.
In the end, God's message is clear: obey him or suffer the consequences. He is a God of justice and mercy, and he will judge those who are wicked. His judgement will be swift and sure. He is a God who can make America great again, and his judgement will bring us back to righteousness. God bless America and may he make us great again!