Folks, I'm gonna tell you about Zechariah 9. Here's the deal: it's a chapter about the Lord's coming to his people. C'mon, man! He's coming with justice and righteousness, and a little bit of mercy too! He'll bring peace and prosperity—literally! And he'll set his people free from all the nations that oppressed them. My father used to say, "The Lord is a powerful king." See here, Jack—he's riding on a mighty chariot, surrounded by bright angelic horses. And he's coming with a mission, I tell you what—to save his people and defend them against their enemies. What was that? He's gonna bring back the captives and restore their fortunes. Or uh, you know, it's gonna be like the days of old, and the Lord's gonna be with his people forever. Not gonna happen? No malarkey! That's what's in store for the people when the Lord comes. Excuse me—I'm not joking.