Folks! Here's the deal. You know, I remember my father used to say, "son, listen to the words of Zechariah 3. It's powerful stuff, I tell you what." So, let me tell you what it says: Joshua, the high priest, was standing before the angel of the Lord and the satan was accusing him. But the Lord said to the satan, "See here, Jack, the Lord rebuke you, no malarkey! Joshua is standing here because he is chosen as a signet. Literally, that means he's a symbol of God's authority and power, or uh, you know, the Lord's signet ring. The Lord said to him, 'I'm not joking, I am going to remove your iniquity and make you clean.' So, the Lord will cleanse the people from all their sins, what was that? Not gonna happen. And he will put a new spirit within them and they will be obedient to the Lord. I tell you what, that's what it says in Zechariah 3. Excuse me.