Alex: "So, tell me a bit about yourself. What do you do for a living?"
Contestant: "Well, I'm actually studying the Bible right now, and I'd like to tell you about the story of Acts 27!"
Alex (sighing): "Ah, yes, the Bible. I should have known. Well, go on, then."
Contestant: "Sure thing. In Acts 27, Paul is on a ship to Rome with some other prisoners. The ship is caught in a storm and is in danger of sinking. Paul encourages the others to stay calm and not to give up hope, because an angel had told him they would all be saved. Eventually, they reach the island of Malta, where they are helped and cared for by the locals. After three months, they set sail again, and eventually reach Rome, where Paul is able to share the gospel message with many people."
Alex (frustrated): "That's certainly detailed. Well, thank you for that. But let's move on to something else, shall we?"