The Apostle Paul is writing to the church in Corinth, telling ‘em to stop letting false teachers lead ‘em astray. He warns ‘em that they should be careful of the way they judge one another, and they should be humble in their own judgments.

He tells ‘em that the power that God gave him to preach the Gospel, is the same power he uses to rebuke and put down any false teachings. He tells ‘em that he's gonna keep on fighting the spiritual battles they can't fight themselves, and he'll use the weapons of righteousness to do it.

Paul also warns ‘em that they shouldn't be too proud of their own accomplishments. He tells ‘em that God's power is greater than their own, and his love is even more powerful. He warns ‘em that if they think they can do anything without God, they're wrong.

Paul ends the chapter by telling ‘em that he's not gonna worry about what other people think of him. He's gonna go ahead and preach the Gospel, no matter what.

That's 2 CORINTHIANS 10! You better have it memorized by tomorrow morning. DISMISSED!