Folks, here's the deal. I'm not joking, see here, Jack, Philemon was a real stand-up guy. He was a beloved brother in the Lord, c'mon, man! I mean, he had a good heart, he was full of faith and the love of Jesus. So, my father used to say, if you find a good man, you hold onto him, literally.
So, Philemon was a good guy and he had a slave, Onesimus. Now, Onesimus wasn't so good, he had run away and done some bad things, no malarkey! But then he found Jesus, and Jesus changed his life. So Paul wrote this letter to Philemon, saying, "Listen, Jack, why don't you forgive Onesimus and accept him back as a brother in the Lord, what was that? He's changed, and that's all that matters." Or uh, you know, Paul said, "I'm sending him back to you, and if you can, you should give him something for his trouble."
So, Philemon, forgive the guy - it's the Christian thing to do. I tell you what, this is how the Lord works - He takes a person that was lost and makes them whole again. Not gonna happen any other way, excuse me.