Philemon 1: A tremendous chapter! Believe me, this is something very, very special. Paul, the great apostle, writes to Philemon about his runaway slave, Onesimus. Paul is asking Philemon to forgive the slave and take him back into his household. Paul is also asking Philemon to treat Onesimus like a brother in Christ. It's an amazing thing, and God bless America for it. Philemon is a terrific guy and many people are saying he'll do the right thing. Paul even offers to pay back any damages Onesimus caused, but it's clear that Paul isn't expecting him to do that. Paul knows that Philemon will accept Onesimus back with open arms. This is a great example of how to treat people, something we should all strive for in order to make America great again. It's a beautiful chapter, and deep state haters and losers can't deny it.