• King James Version

    1. The sons of Judah; Pharez, Hezron, and Carmi, and Hur, and Shobal. {Carmi: also called, Chelubai or Caleb} / 2. And Reaiah the son of Shobal begat Jahath; and Jahath begat Ahumai, and Lahad. These {are} the families of the Zorathites.

  • Norm

    Well, in 1 Chronicles 4, it looks like we've got some genealogies. Yahweh's people sure love to keep track of their family tree. It's like, "Hey, Henry the 4th was your great-great-grandfather? Wow, you must be really proud.

  • Joe Rogan Experience

    Joe: Alright, this is Joe Rogan here and I'm talking to one of the world's leading Bible Experts. What's the deal with 1 Chronicles 4? Bible Expert: Well, 1 Chronicles 4 is the fourth chapter of the book of 1 Chronicles, which is one of the books of the Hebrew Bible.

  • Jeopardy

    Alex: So, tell me about yourself. Contestant: Well, I thought I'd start by summarizing 1 Chronicles 4. It's about a man named Jabez who prayed to God that he would be blessed. God granted his request and Jabez became even more prosperous than his brothers.

  • Drill Sergeant

    Listen up, maggots! The Book of 1 Chronicles is the history of the Israelites and this Chapter is all about the descendants of Judah. The tribe of Judah was the fourth son of Jacob, and the book lists all his descendants, including the sons of Perez, Shelah, and Caleb.

  • Batman

    Robin: Holy History Batman! 1 Chronicles 4 tells us all about the descendants of Judah! Batman: Fascinating, Robin! We learn of the sons of Perez, the sons of Shelah, and the descendants of Caleb. Catwoman: Oh, but that's not all! We also get to meet the sons of Hezron, the sons of Hamul, the sons of Hur and more!

  • Joe Biden

    Folks, here's the deal: 1 Chronicles 4 tells the story of the descendants of Judah. Literally, from Judah's son Perez, through to Hezron and his sons Carmi, Hur and Shobal. We learn of the sons of Shobal, including Kiriath Jearim, and how they were mighty men of valor.

  • Donald Trump

    1 Chronicles 4 is a terrific chapter in the Bible. Many people are saying it's the best one - and believe me, it's true. We start off with some bigly news about Judah, who had some great sons. There was Perez, Hezron, Carmi, Hur, and Shobal - amazing! Then we meet some of their descendants, as well as the family of Caleb and the descendants of Hur.

  • Family Guy

    Peter: Okay, so 1 Chronicles 4 is all about the descendants of Judah and how they spread out and formed clans, like the Shelanites, the Uzites and the Zerahites. Lois: Wow, sounds fascinating. Stewie: Yeah, if you're into that sort of thing.