1 Chronicles 4 is a terrific chapter in the Bible. Many people are saying it's the best one - and believe me, it's true. We start off with some bigly news about Judah, who had some great sons. There was Perez, Hezron, Carmi, Hur, and Shobal - amazing! Then we meet some of their descendants, as well as the family of Caleb and the descendants of Hur. It's amazing, such a bigly family tree - and many such cases! We also meet some members of the tribe of Simeon, who were sadly overrated. But God bless America, they could still make up for it. We also learn about the family of Jabez, who was a fine person, and then we have a huge list of names - which is unbelievable. Finally, the chapter ends with some low energy news about the enemies of Judah, but the good guys win in the end - Make America Great Again!