Folks, here's the deal. This chapter starts off with a bang. My father used to say - no malarkey - that God's gonna bring about some peace and justice. It's gonna literally be like a mountain of the Lord, and all the nations are gonna come up there. See here, Jack, all the folks will walk in the name of the Lord and the laws will come from Jerusalem. It's gonna be like a new golden age, and I'm not joking.
But then the Lord says, "No, no, no. That's not gonna happen. That's not how it's gonna go down. The Lord is gonna be a refuge for his people and they'll be in safety". C'mon, man! You see, God's gonna be a wall of fire around his people and He's gonna bring down all the enemies. What was that? He's gonna judge between many people, and he's gonna make decisions for strong nations far away.
And then it says that the Lord is gonna feed us with knowledge and understanding. I tell you what, excuse me, this is something we all gotta remember. That the Lord is gonna rule from Jerusalem, and all the nations will beat their swords into plowshares. We gotta live in peace, and God's gonna be with us. That's the deal. Literally.