Listen, Jack, c'mon, man! Here's the deal, folks, when God was still in charge of the world, back in 538 BC, my father used to say that He spoke through the prophet Haggai. He said, "You know, I'm not joking, why are you living in such fancy houses when the Temple of the Lord still lies in ruins?" See here, Jack, no malarkey! He said, "Let's get to work and start rebuilding the Temple". And then, what was that? He said, "You know, I'm gonna give you the strength to do it, and the resources. Or uh, you know, it's not gonna happen overnight, but I'm telling you, I'm gonna make it happen, I'm gonna make sure it's done". And then, excuse me, literally, He said, "You know, if you do this, I'm gonna bless you, and I'm gonna be with you and guide you all the way". So, I tell you what, we'd better listen to Him, and get to work, because this is one commandment we don't want to ignore, or it won't happen. That's the way it is, folks, no malarkey!