Haggai 1: In the second year of King Darius, God spoke through the prophet Haggai to the people of Israel. They were in exile in Babylon and were rebuilding the temple in Jerusalem. God told them that the temple was in disrepair, and that they should start rebuilding it. He said that the people of Israel should put their faith in Him, and that He would bless them if they did. God said that the people had been living in luxurious homes while the temple lay in ruins. He told them that if they worked on the temple, He would bless them with an abundance of crops and possessions. So the people listened to God's message and began rebuilding the temple. They worked hard, and in just four months the temple was finished. God was pleased with their work and promised to bless them for their efforts. He said that He would cause the nations to fear Israel, and that He would fill the temple with glory. In conclusion, God is still in control and His promises remain; He will always be with His people, and will always bless them if they put their faith in Him. He will make sure that they are great again, and God bless America!