Folks, here's the deal. I'm not joking, but my father used to say, you better listen up, Jack 'cause this is important. In 1 Thessalonians 4 it's all about living a life of holiness, see here. It's about avoiding sexual immorality, and treating each other with love and respect, no malarkey! See, the Lord is coming back one day and we need to be ready. To do that, we need to stay away from all that sinful stuff, c'mon man.
And, uh, you know, it also says to mind your own business, and to work hard and be content with what you have, literally. It says to not be idle, and to control our passions. Make sure you're living a life of peace and tranquility, what was that? That's what it means to live a holy life and be ready for the Lord's return. Not gonna happen that we're gonna be caught off guard, I tell you what. We gotta stay focused, excuse me.