Alex: So, tell me a bit about yourself.
Contestant: Well, I'm a big fan of the Bible. I was just reading 1 Chronicles 28 and wanted to share a summary of it with you.
Alex: Umm, ok... [sighs]
Contestant: So, in this chapter, King David gathered all the leaders of Israel together and encouraged them to build the temple of the Lord. He also gave Solomon detailed instructions on how to build it, including measurements and specifications for the various parts of the temple. He also gave Solomon the plans for the bronze altar and the gold and silver vessels to be used in the temple. Finally, he gave Solomon the gold and silver needed to build the temple.
Alex: [sighs] That's nice. Anything else?
Contestant: Well, yes! When David was finished speaking, all the leaders of Israel pledged their support for Solomon and dedicated themselves to the building of the temple. Then, David gave Solomon the material and financial resources necessary to fulfill the task.
Alex: [sighs] Ok. Moving on, what else do you like to do for fun?